Our Services

Gateway Meadows therapeutic programs provide a complementary approach to other health care services. Programs are individualized to meet your needs. Although those who attend often have diagnoses such as PTSD, anxiety, depression, cancer, chronic pain, or struggle with interpersonal relationships, our focus is to move past whatever is holding you back and help you find your path to living a fulfilled meaningful life

How We’re Unique:

Our programs—unlike others—are led by Kathy, a Certified Nurse Coach and Veteran. Kathy facilitates coaching sessions by allowing you to tell your story and lived experiences, while processing it with the horses surrounded by the calming presence of nature. When the timing is right, she asks reflective questions and listens deeply. She believes in the power of knowing your purpose and value in life and during this mindful discovery process; she walks with you, supporting you, while you find your answers.

Empowering You:

Gateway Meadows provides a safe environment where you can express your feelings, hopes, goals, and dreams and share your vulnerability, pain, and suffering—for healing and wellness. Research shows that through recognizing and altering your personal story, you have the power to transform not only your thoughts, beliefs, and actions but also the way you experience and live life.

Other Gateway Meadows’ Team Members include:

  • An Equine Specialist in Mental Health and Learning (ESMHL PATH Int’l Certified, Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International). Specially trained to support activities with the horses while ensuring individual and animal safety.

  • Volunteers serve as horse handlers, ensuring the safety of participants and horses. In addition, we have a photographer, communications specialist, and ranch help.

  • Board of Directors are actively engaged in helping build our programs and fulfilling our mission.

Service Offerings

  • Veteran/First Responder Group Sessions

    Group sessions consist of six, two-and-a-half hour sessions for up to six participants. Sessions are facilitated by a Nurse Coach and Equine Specialist and include various groundwork activities with the horses. Participants vary and may include women only, Veterans only or mixed groups. Individuals can join a group scheduled at a time that works for them.

    We also encourage organizations such as the National Guard units, police or fire stations, paramedics, or others to sponsor a group from your organization who could benefit from these sessions.

  • Individual (one-to-one) Nurse Holistic Health Coaching Sessions

    One hour sessions are available for Veterans and First Responders. The number of sessions will be determined by the Nurse Coach and participant.

    The focus of each session is based on the participant’s personal goals and values. The Nurse Coach will guide reflection and mindful awareness on experiences, thoughts, and feelings shared in your story and create an environment best suited to help you explore how to move forward. One-to-one sessions include mindfulness exercises, activities with the horses as appropriate, and time to reflect in a relaxed, peaceful environment.

  • Family Sessions

    Family sessions are available for one family or combined families depending on group size. The focus of these three-hour sessions are focused on and tailored to the group’s needs.

    Activities will include the horses and be chosen based on the age and abilities of group members.

Benefits of Equine-Assisted Services for Veterans and First Responders

PROGRAMS: Focused on Veteran and First Responder needs such as PTSD, suicide prevention, recovery, and camaraderie.

GOALS: Individualized, personal-driven goals are based on the belief that you have the capacity to find purpose and meaning in your life.

APPROACH: With a holistic approach to equine-assisted learning (EAL), we address physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual components of health—recognizing they’re all connected. Nurse Coaching and other methods are used to help participants achieve their goals.

BENEFITS: Are achieved by connecting Veterans and First Responders with peers who have similar experiences and challenges—to promote feelings of belonging and trust, resulting in:

  • Increased self-awareness

  • Enhanced acceptance

  • Improved communication skills

  • Elevated coping skills

  • Better relationships

  • Overall improvements in health and well-being

  • Achieved personal goals

  • Improved problem solving skills

Participant Testimonial

“Yesterday had a PROFOUND impact on me, already from day one. I spent the evening processing it. It was intense at times, but the pain and triggers were softened and made manageable by the horses, surroundings, steps, observations, boundaries… Thank you for your passion and dedication to healing and wholeness and for starting this experience to touch humans who will benefit from it.” ~Veteran

Also One-Day Sessions for Organizations

These one-day sessions are tailored to meet your organizational goals, such as:

  • team building,

  • goal setting,

  • improving communication,

  • listening to the customer,

  • and creative problem solving.